Apr 30, 2011

One-day Mataram

“Today is our Independence Day. Vande Mataram !”

“Tomorrow is the World Literacy Day, do you don’t know that?”

“We need to be attentive to pollution; today is 5th June, the World Environment Day.”

“Let’s arrange a drive for children on this Children’s Day.”

We attempt to give utmost significance to these days by celebrating them. The core question is for how many hours or for how many days? Whatever answer your choose, it’s not at all sufficient. Hope, we are not making joke of these days. Are we honest about these days? Are we serious enough for them?

We call them day, but who said they should stay for one-day. The great logic behind these days is to establish and reinforce the importance of particular purpose. Then, it should be followed for remaining days of the year.

Will we have greener and pleasant environment by paying our duties for one day? But, still we become complacent and feel ‘good and great’ by doing for one-day only.

We forget World Non-violence Day (i.e. 2nd Oct) for remaining 364 days. We suddenly remember it on the eve before the day. Its existence is not the ‘breaking news’ or ‘a miracle’ for us.

Unless we take them as a reinforcement of message or purpose for remaining days of the year or life, whether it is ‘one-day’ or ‘one-week’, it will not help. We want ‘Vande Mataram’, not ‘one-day mataram’, isn’t it?  

Suresh Purohit (Su_hit)

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