Aug 30, 2012

Change the font style, save the environment

You would be wondered what the font style has to do with environment. Okay. We print lots of papers, reports, documents for one and other reasons. If we select right fonts, it can reduce the consumption of toners, inks or cartridge.

As an attempt I created 200 pages word document having almost 95,000 words. I just changed the fonts to see effect on number of pages.
Verdana - 225 pages
Bookman old style - 218 pages
Tahoma - 216 pages
Arial - 205 pages
Calibri - 200 pages
Times New Roman - 190 pages
Garamond - 182 pages

Then, which fonts to be selected.

So, Garamond, Times New Roman and Calibri are great fonts. But, Calibri has one additional advantage...

Research says by keeping same font size, by changing font style we can save 15-20% inks. Isn't it great and amazing !
Hence, use Calibri or Century Gothic fonts.
Avoid using Verdana or Tahoma fonts.

Another research also bring to our notice that the more pleasant fonts are on the screen, there's less tendency to print the papers. That's why Microsoft and many softwares are having Calibri as a default and preferred fonts.

Switch to Calibri. 

So, print less, save money, save environment.
(Unfortunately, this blog does not support Calibri, it does not mean that you should print the post. Share with others.)